S1: Convert based on the range or interquartile range
S2 & 3: Calculate standard deviation in paired design
S4 & 5: Calculate standard deviation in grouped design
2. Convert Median and others data to Mean and SD
Based on information such as median, Q1, Q3, sample size, minimum, and maximum .
Tong method, Box-Cox transformation, QE method, and MLN method.
3. Combined Mean and Standard Deviation Between Groups
S1: Combining the means and standard deviations of different subgroups.
4. Mean Difference | Standardized Mean Difference in Grouped Designs
4.1 Mean Difference, Standard Error, and Confidence Interval
S1: Based on the sample sizes, means, and standard deviations of the two groups:
S2: Estimate the standard error and confidence interval from the mean difference and its P value.
4.2 Standardized Mean Difference, Standard Error, and Confidence Interval
S1: Based on sample size, means, and standard deviation information
S2 & 3: Based on regression coefficients or point-biserial correlation coefficients
S4 & 5: Based on t-value or F-value
S6: Calculate standard error and confidence interval from P values
5. Mean Difference | Standardized Mean Difference in Paired Designs
5.1 Calculate Within-Group Pre- Post-Mean Difference and Standard Deviation or Standard Error
S1: Calculate Pre- Post-Mean Difference and Standard Deviation
S2: Calculate Pre- Post-Mean Difference and Standard Error
5.2 Calculate Standardized Mean Difference, Standard Error, and Confidence Interval
Calculate standardized mean difference and standard error in paired or single-group designs.
5.3 Calculate Post-Intervention Mean and Standard Deviation
In paired or single-group designs, calculate the post-intervention mean and standard deviation based on baseline and change values
6. Correlation Coefficient
6.1 Calculate Correlation Coefficient, Standard Error, and Confidence Interval
S1: Calculate the standard error and confidence interval of the correlation coefficient,
Convert between the correlation coefficient and Fisher's Z value.
S2: Calculate the point-biserial correlation coefficient based on the t-value or p-value from a two independent sample t-test.
S3: Calculate the point-biserial correlation coefficient based on standardized mean differences and their standard errors
6.2 Conversion Between Pearson, Spearman, and Kendall Coefficients
S1: Conversion between Pearson correlation coefficient and Spearman correlation coefficient.
S2: Conversion between Pearson correlation coefficient and Kendall correlation coefficient
7. Ratio of Mean as a Relative Measure
7.1 Calculate Ratio of Mean and its confidence interval.
Estimate ratio of mean based on means and standard deviations in two groups, which can be used for meta-analysis with relative measures (OR\RR\HR).