Calculation and Conversion of Effect Measures
Conversion between Different Types »
1, Conversion between Relative Measures and Regression Coefficient
- Convert between relative measures (OR\RR\HR) and regression coefficients.
2、Calculating Absolute Metrics from Relative Metrics
- Estimate absolute effect measures based on relative effect measures (OR|RR|HR).
- Reporting guidelines recommend presenting both relative and absolute measures.
3. Conversion among Different Confidence Levels
- Support for both relative and absolute metrics
- Convert confidence levels, e.g., from 99% CI to 95% CI.
- Provide calculations of point estimates and standard errors.
4. Conversion of Effect Measures between Continuous and Categorical Outcome.
4.1 Conversion between Standardized Mean Difference and Odds Ratio (OR)
- S1: Convert standardized mean difference to odds ratio (OR).
- S2: Convert odds ratio (OR) to standardized mean difference.
4.2 Estimate Relative Risk (RR) from Standardized Mean Difference
- Estimate relative risk (RR) based on standardized mean difference.
4.3 Estimate Risk Difference (RD) and NNT/NNH from Standardized Mean Difference
- Estimate risk difference and NNT/NNH from standardized mean difference, for clinical interpretation.